Premium LED products for the industry
Since 1978 EiKO has been one of the leading manufacturers and distributors for professional and industrial lighting. Our versitile product range includes industrial LED luminaires for large area lighting, warehouse high bays, industrial fixtures with special protection features as well as trunking systems and individual luminaires for a variety of applications in industrial and commercial use. EiKO's patented LED solution for environments with particularly high temperatures, STAR Bright LED luminaire, remains unrivalled when it comes to temperature areas that excede 65°C or mounting heights above 80 meters.

Light management battery-free and wireless
In the production facility of the Junker-Filter company, light has been quite traditionally switched on and off manually. There wasn’t any adjustment to the brightness and the daylight conditions. A sophisticated control system based on battery-free wifi modules was designed by EiKO and was thus able to regulate the individual lighting requirements in an energy-efficient manner.